Meridian: The bio-energy circulation system through which ‘qi’ and blood flows.
Meridian is not as complex and illusive as perceived. The theory of Meridian originates from age old understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Meridian is abio-energy circulation that extends throughout the body, links organs and also functions as the carrier of blood and ‘qi’. According to the “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon”, mastery over one’s Meridian can cure diseases and lead to good health.
经络 —— 气血运行的载体
说到经络,很多人觉得是很神秘的东西,我们一般人是不能了解和掌握的。其实,经络的学问并不如一般人想象的神秘,它就是中医学基础理论的核心理论之一,源 于远古,服务当今。同时,因为它是人体气血运行的通道,联系脏腑肢节,沟通内外上下,遍布全身,形成一个纵横交错的联络网,把人体的五脏六腑、肢体官窍及 皮肉筋骨等结成一个统一的有机整体。
《黄帝内经》记载,“经脉者,人之所以生,病之所以成,人之所以治,病之所以起”,并有“决生死,处百病”之特能。经络理论对指导中医各科实践有着决定性 的作用,古人有言:“学医不知经络,开口动手便错,盖经络不明,无以识病症之根源,究阴阳之转变。昔人望而知病者,不过熟其经络故也。
About Meridians
Notice 通告
Dear friends,
The clinic will be closed from 16/9/24 to 20/9/24. Service will resume on 21/9/24, Saturday. The clinic will also be open on 22/9/24, Sunday. Feel free to call 62840897 during operation hours to make your appointments. Thank you.
HongYi Tcm
诊所将于2024年9月16日至2024年9月20日休息。2024年9月21日恢复正常营业。诊所也将于2024年9月22日正常服务。若需预约,可在营业时间拨打 62840897。谢谢。
The clinic will be closed from 16/9/24 to 20/9/24. Service will resume on 21/9/24, Saturday. The clinic will also be open on 22/9/24, Sunday. Feel free to call 62840897 during operation hours to make your appointments. Thank you.
HongYi Tcm
诊所将于2024年9月16日至2024年9月20日休息。2024年9月21日恢复正常营业。诊所也将于2024年9月22日正常服务。若需预约,可在营业时间拨打 62840897。谢谢。
每周语录 Weekly TCM Quotes
The twelve meridian flow connects internally to the five internal organs and externally to the limbs.
Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor
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