As the meridian network covers the entire body, most of the body’s diseases can be linked to the meridian. Thus, meridian acupuncture can encourage self-healing properties and regulation of one’s ‘qi’ and blood flow. Traditional Chinese Medicine seeks to treat a patient holistically, thus although its effects are slow in manifesting, the patient experiences a comprehensive treatment that treats his mind, body and soul. Beyond just curing specific illnesses, one’s general well-being will improve.
Understanding Diseases through Meridians
Notice 通告
Dear friends,
The clinic will be closed from 16/9/24 to 20/9/24. Service will resume on 21/9/24, Saturday. The clinic will also be open on 22/9/24, Sunday. Feel free to call 62840897 during operation hours to make your appointments. Thank you.
HongYi Tcm
诊所将于2024年9月16日至2024年9月20日休息。2024年9月21日恢复正常营业。诊所也将于2024年9月22日正常服务。若需预约,可在营业时间拨打 62840897。谢谢。
The clinic will be closed from 16/9/24 to 20/9/24. Service will resume on 21/9/24, Saturday. The clinic will also be open on 22/9/24, Sunday. Feel free to call 62840897 during operation hours to make your appointments. Thank you.
HongYi Tcm
诊所将于2024年9月16日至2024年9月20日休息。2024年9月21日恢复正常营业。诊所也将于2024年9月22日正常服务。若需预约,可在营业时间拨打 62840897。谢谢。
每周语录 Weekly TCM Quotes
The twelve meridian flow connects internally to the five internal organs and externally to the limbs.
Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor
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We accept NETS, QR code or Cash for TCM services.
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